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Solar Resource Assessment

Solar resource is one of the largest uncertainties in solar project development.  Revolution Labs can provide detailed review of existing ground and satellite solar resource datasets and recommend the highest quality, lowest risk file.  We can also perform probability analytics on the resource and generation files to assist in the financing of the project. 


Installing a solar measurement station (SMS) at the project site and correlating the data to the long term satellite data (or other nearby source) is a simple way to lower the uncertainty and increase a project’s return on investment.  We can specify, install, operate, and provide satellite to ground correlation analytics for your project.  Let us help limit the risk of your investment.


We are proud to offer the following services for your next project:


  • Available solar resource file review, analysis, and selection

  • Solar Measurement Station specification, installation, and operation

  • Satellite to SMS Correlation and adjusted typical weather file creation

  • Probability Analysis - Analyze historical data to determine P values

  • Update Uncertainty/Probabilities for Operating Project using measured operating plant data.  Reduce model and solar uncertainty using measured solar data and plant operating history

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